Thursday, February 16, 2012

All About Me

Does anyone get the title?  All About Me?  All About Us?  TaTu?  The band?  If so, then congrats, you're now a favorite person of mine!  If not, look them up!  They're pretty amazing <3

So, my first blog post.  How exciting.  *rolls eyes*  Actually, not really.  Anyways, I'll start off with being honest with you guys.  Chances are, I'm not going to post regularly.  Those of you that follow me and read my stories on have probably already realized I have a very erratic way of posting.  Sometimes I'll post four times a week, or two times a day, or a year apart.  I'll honestly try not to do that with this, but I'm easily distracted, and I tend to forget.  So, in advance, please forgive me.  *grins sheepishly*

Alright, on with it then.  *sighs*

I'll tell you a bit about myself.  I'm in high school, and I'm from the U.S.  And I have no idea what to say.  Let's see, I constantly need something to be obsessed with (which currently, is nothing, but the idea of being a very successful lawyer, which comes and goes).  Once I graduate from high school, I plan to go to college and major in law.  I want to be a lawyer, obviously.  I think I've said that three times now?  Anyways, I'm a Capricorn.  And, well, frankly, I'm sure I'm bipolar.  I tend to change my mood a lot.  But more often than not, I possess the qualities of a Capricorn.  I'm stubborn (when I care), I tend to be "boring" (as a previous boyfriend has described me) and I'm very patient.

Although, on the flip side, I am pretty fatalistic.  But is that really a bad quality?  I mean, fatalistic and realistic goes hand in hand for me.

But I am a big dreamer, especially if I believe I can achieve something.  (This is a small example of how I tend to be a little bipolar...)

I write.  Simple as that.  But, now, I don't know if anyone else does this... but I often write in my head, more so than on paper.  I guess I'm just too lazy for that. 
How long are blog posts supposed to be?  As long as I make it, I guess?

Also, I love to picture things.  Which is a reason why I make so many banners.  (Chances are, you may not have seen any of these.  They're not very good.)  And why I have a polyvore.  (PorcelainFace is my username). 

Oh, I should probably add that I like to jump from topic to topic; so I'm pretty random.  I hate it, but it's the truth.
Probably a side effect of ADHD.  I have that.  Well, it may be ADD.  I can't remember which I have, they confuse me.

And, believe it or not, I'm actually a pretty organized person.  When I'm not rushing around, ot too lazy to be organized.

I can also talk about myself for a long period of time, as you have seen.
I cuss, too.  (There's a point I want to make, about something another, but I forget what it is, so I'll probably get back to it later).  Right, so I cuss.  I try not it, it's not "lady-like".  Not that I really care.  Well, most of the time I don't. 

Anyways, depending on the mood I'm in, I cuss.  Either a lot, or not at all, or very little. 
I really need to expand my dictionary.  I want to keep on saying words like "tend", "and", "right", and "also".  (I'll come back and add more later).

Right, I remember the point I was going to make earlier.  A pet peeve of mine is when sentences always start with the same word.  Or when paragraphs do.  This typically annoys me more when I do it, than when someone else does it.

Which is why I need to expand my dictionary.  *shrugs*


Anyways, you all can call me whatever you want, because I do have a range of nicknames, but the name I typically go by is Kiann.  (You see, I'm a little weary of posting this, I mean how many Kianns' do you know?  Probably no more than one, if that.  Feel free to not prove me wrong, also).  I'll get more into that later.  Anyways, get it?  Kiann?  Like the pepper?  Because I'm "spicy".  *winks and snickers*  Ha, I'll probably just stick to Angel.

Ah, right, another thing about me.  I'm pale.  Like to the point that I've been told I "glow" in the dark.  It could be pretty pathetic, if you look at it that way, but the way I look at it, it's just bad ass.  After all, in the Elizabethan era, didn't they put on white make-up to seem more wealthy and noble?

***The pale complexion was therefore a sign of wealth and nobility.

Yeah, there you go. 

Well, that's all the time I have for the moment.  STaR gets out in two minutes, and I want to gather my things and find my ID before I go to lunch.

I'll have more time later, I'm riding (not driving, I promise) to another state after school.

And I'll explain what STaR is then.


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